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Movie Recommendations!

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I watched Diani and Devine the other night.  It's pretty good.  Best part is Barry Bostwick, Brad from Rocky Horror, as The Senator.  He is still handsome and according to IMDB, still very busy.

This movie made me think about all the people in my life who work in the entertainment industry.  You all need back up skills.


smAsh has reacted to this post.

My first movie recommendation. There are a few movies in my collection that I have watched at least 100 times.  This is one of them.

smAsho mAsh discussed breatheology and Stig Avall Severson today and it made me think about this awesome movie.

The Big Blue (1988), starring Jean Reno, Rossana Arquette and Jean-Marc Barr is a story about two world renowned deep sea divers and their journey through self discovery and the unknown yada yada yada.  Written and directed by the incredible Luc Besson, also known for great films like Le Femme Nikita and The Fifth Element.  

Check it out and let me know what you think.  Cheers.


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Eugene Bagashov's farovite horror flick- Event Horizon!  (1997?)

EdenllDoo and bojay have reacted to this post.
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

AUGUST Rush. 2007 Freddy Highmore, Johnathon Rhys Meyer, Keri Russell, Terrence Howard and Robin Williams.

This one currently rates 7.5 on IMDB
A wonderful story of a child seeking the meaning of life. In his own magical way. By following the music.

August is a gifted child musician learning what music really is. He is the love child of two gifted musicians, where they get separated at birth. This is a coming of age movie of self discovery and a touch of magic.

The music soundtrack is phenomenal, his guitar playing style right up my alley.
I have watched it many many time. Still 10/10 to me.

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Kimberly Eden'll Doo Nichols Queen Bee - Southern Observers Anon Qld Australia

Mental 2012 Australian 🇦🇺Comedy starring Toni Collette.

TONI Collette plays a convincing mental health patient and how her behaviour directly affects herself her family and the community around her.

I personally found it a great movie as I was at the time dealing with some pretty extreme" Troppo "Behaviour in my life @ the time.
This helped show a normal side to the crazy shit that can happen. How kids perceive this behaviour and the reactions of those around.

It's been a while since I have watched it but I would still give it 4 out of 5, on movies I will watch again.


Mental is as mental does.


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Kimberly Eden'll Doo Nichols Queen Bee - Southern Observers Anon Qld Australia

SAM Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver
Mind blowing graphics another James Cameron Hit, you kinda expect it to be awesome .. and what an Amazing story.
What hit me the most about this movie and fondly think of it, is the way they can see their direct impact on the biological life around them.
Wouldn't our lives be different if we could see understand and communicate with
What i saw as a representation of the energy of Gaia, MOTHER 🌏Earth, MOTHER nature, and God all in one. Working wonders oblivious to our own eyes.

🎥This movie is brilliantly done
10/10 also! Sorry most movies dont get that high a rating of his one is a crowd pleaser. Being highly recommended from a video shop keeper must accoumt for something 🤯🤷‍♀️
Useless fact: My first 3D cinema experience was watching this movie in Cairns Australia.🎬

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Kimberly Eden'll Doo Nichols Queen Bee - Southern Observers Anon Qld Australia

Hush Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964): Psychological thriller, RIP Olivia de Havilland 01.July.1916- 26.July.2020 age 104!

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh
Quote from bojay on July 25, 2020, 11:47 am

I watched Diani and Devine the other night.  It's pretty good.  Best part is Barry Bostwick, Brad from Rocky Horror, as The Senator.  He is still handsome and according to IMDB, still very busy.

This movie made me think about all the people in my life who work in the entertainment industry.  You all need back up skills.


I need an agent.  Can you give me a reference?  I'm also shopping for lawyers and considering demanding legal settlements from several utterly inept entities.

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh


If you're looking for something new and unique, check this one out.  It left me with a creepy feeling and is one of those movies so "out-there" that it shall not be forgotten. 

smAsh stAff, what was that flick we watched last night?  I can't seem to remember jack about it except that it was good.

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh
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