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Movie Recommendations!

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Post your movie recommendations here.  Yeah that means YOU!  

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

I'll go.

Kelly's Heroes, a WWII based action drama starring Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, and Donald Sutherland as Oddball (possibly my favorite character EVER in a movie).


Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

From Eugene Bagashov:

Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

EdenllDoo has reacted to this post.
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Watched last night:

The Old Guard (2020, ranked #1 in America on July 14th 2020 on Netflix)

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Another of my classic favorites:

Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail


'We live in an anarcho-syndicalist commune.' -Dennis, age 37

smAshstAff and EdenllDoo have reacted to this post.
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

'The Wrong Missy, consistently funny through and through.'  -Dan Nigro, a.k.a. smAshomAsh

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smAshstAff has reacted to this post.
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse From 2016, totally relevant, quite realistic in many ways, light hearted, self deprecating, consistently funny, and...  again- QUITE RELEVANT!

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh


It's a properly demonic tale of real estate disasters, bad parenting, worse kid, and portals to Hell.  If you like that sort of thing- watch it.  Free on Amazon Prime...

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smAshstAff has reacted to this post.
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

The Devil's Rain PosterThe Devil's Rain (1975) starring Ernest Borgnine and William Shatner is a generically satanic supernatural thriller.  Ernest Borgnine plays a failing demonic insurance agent on a scavenger hunt, and William Shatner plays the guy getting hunted.  There are more all- star cast members, also.  This film has fantastic practical effects, the action starts pretty much immediately and this one is a true mid-70's classic.  Ernest Borgnine's performance as a high Satanic priest is noteworthy and it's odd to see Borgnine in such a role.  Highly recommend this one, especially for those who are interested in all things demonic, Satanic, cultish, horror, ritualistic, etc...  Make sure your soul is pure, and check this one out (it's free with Amazon Prime). Love, smAshomAsh

smAshstAff has reacted to this post.
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Watchmen (comic book movie in a very cold war era theme) Must watch.
Fight Club (You do not talk about this movie)

Limitless (Movie about a man who takes a pill and has a 4 figure iq level)

Lucy (like limitless but with more badassery)

Looper (Time Travel movie with some telekenis and bruce willis)

In Time (Humanity rids world of paper money instead you earn time with a clock on your arm countdown your death unless you earn more, Time really is money featuring justin timberlake)

Primer (Time travel movie low budget worth a watch)

Drive (ryan goslin stunt driver who does jobs on the side but doesnt say much)

Time Trap (time moves slower in this cave some people get stuck in and run across the fountain of youth!)

Donnie Darko 

Project almenac

Butterfly Effect
12 monkeys
deja Vu

○°| Making the world obvious in not so obvious ways connecting patterns and associating Aincent pasts gods as symbolic personification of very complex ideals in physics, atomics, cosmology etc. Taking folklore and learning the subtext the esoterical data preserved in the complex nature like intentional to keep the memory alive over many many many generations. Data is gathered sometimes through a process of creative writing where I'm pretend to believe that unimportant information is vital and relevant and use overactive imagination to understand various outcomes that lead to ultimately accurate conclusions and new ideals no one has considered. Sometimes this process I call being creatively precautious. As you are aware but not simultaneously it's a near manic but not emotional state that's helps me with my esoterical portion of my bestowic behavior. Information metadata seemingly not yet important but truly underlying geometrical and core structure of messages and symbols are relevant. ●•|
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