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that's a pretty good design.  Btw, if you want us to offer some cloth masks with this or similar designs- let us know.  I could do a whole series of shirts also,


Photo featuring Governor, or state physician general or both:

PENNSYLVANIA's top #covidiots

MICHIGAN'S top #covidiots, etc...

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

This is certainly one of the most covidiotic things I've seen.  What about you?


Peak Idiocy: Wisconsin Government Agency Mandates Facemask Use For Virtual Zoom Meetings

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

Despite the deluge of data that continues to come in indicating that the coronavirus may not be the death sentence that the mainstream media has made it out to be, the sharp overreaction from those who can't help but be scared half to death from the virus continues unabated.

The latest example comes to us from the Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources, who told its employees that effective August 1, they would have to wear a mask - even for teleconferences. 

Preston Cole of the DNR said in an e-mail to employees: “Also, wear your mask, even if you are home, to participate in a virtual meeting that involves being seen — such as on Zoom or another video-conferencing platform — by non-DNR staff. Set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others.”


Gov. Tony Evers had put a mask order in place effective August 1 that mandates masks are to be worn whenever a person is in an enclosed space other than a private residence. 

DNR spokeswoman Megan Sheridan told the Kansas City Star: “By wearing a mask while video conferencing with the general public, we visually remind folks that masking is an important part of navigating the business of natural resources during this tumultuous time.”

Even the CDC doesn't recommend wearing a facemask while social distancing at home under most conditions. 

Sheridan concluded, justifying the idiotic policy: "We ask staff to wear masks when on externally facing calls is that, taken out of context, a screenshot of a staff person or high ranking department official, if not properly attributed, could be misinterpreted to suggest that state employees are not properly following the Governor’s directive."

So what is the DNR more scared of: the virus, or being caught not virtue signaling at the right time?

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Vote covidiots, 2020 with a Biden/ Harris giant bureaucratic incompetence and corruption vote!

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

#Covidiots, don't worry. You can keep playing dress up with your ineffective masks and keep playing forts with #lockdowns. The #deepstate is so #obvious that it's sad (for covidiots). #CDC = #hacks

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Full article from :


Director for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Robert R. Redfield

CDC Director Robert Redfield. Photo: Anna Moneymaker/Pool/Getty Images

The CDC has removed new guidance that acknowledged airborne transmission of the coronavirus, posting in a note on its website that the guidance was only a draft and had been published in error.

Why it matters: The initial update — which was little noticed until a CNN story was published Sunday — had come months after scientists pushed for the agency to acknowledge the disease was transmissible through the air. The CDC previously said that close person-to-person contact was the bigger concern, and the language has been changed back to erase the warning about airborne transmission.

What they're saying: "A draft version of proposed changes to these recommendations was posted in error to the agency’s official website. CDC is currently updating its recommendations regarding airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Once this process has been completed, the update language will be posted," the website now states.

  • The draft guidance that had posted said airborne transmission is now thought to be the "main way the virus spreads," adding that proper air ventilation is important.
  • "There is growing evidence that droplets and airborne particles can remain suspended in the air and be breathed in by others, and travel distances beyond six feet (for example, during choir practice, in restaurants, or in fitness classes). In general, indoor environments without good ventilation increase this risk," the agency had written.

Worth noting: The CDC also recently updated its guidance around testing for asymptomatic people after stating in August, against the recommendation of scientists, that asymptomatic people do not need to be tested.

The big picture: A slew of recent reporting suggests deep politicization of the Trump administration's coronavirus response, per Axios' Caitlin Owens.

Editors note: This story has been updated to reflect that the CDC removed new guidance around airborne transmission from its website.

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Anthony Fauci- covidiot and a museum grade asshole, FTW!

Virus Outbreak Congress

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Suck it, Tom Wolf.  Your stay of judgement has been denied and this means that all your 'orders' regarding mask mandates, lockdowns, and partial and complete business closures are null and void.  Sure, you can appeal, but until you win- we can do what we want.  Enjoy that, Tom.  Do the math, Tom.  8===D

P.S. To Rachel Levine:
You couldn't tackle running backs in college and you cannot tackle Pennsylvania's populace.  You do the math also, Rachel.  8===D


Gov. Tom Wolf

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

#covidiots don't rule Pennsylvania anymore.  

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Judge denies Wolf's bid to keep gathering limits in place while ruling on coronavirus measures is appealed

HARRISBURG, Pa. - A federal judge in Pittsburgh has denied the Wolf administration's request to keep state limits on gatherings in place while a court ruling regarding the governor's business shutdown orders is appealed.

Judge William Stickman IV, in a ruling issued Tuesday, said the administration did not show that its appeal is likely to succeed or that it would be irreparably injured if a stay were not granted.

The administration is appealing a recent ruling by Stickman that struck down Gov. Tom Wolf’s pandemic restrictions that required people to stay at home, placed size limits on gatherings and ordered “non-life-sustaining” businesses to shut down. The state had placed gathering limits of no more than 25 people indoors and no more than 250 people outdoors.


In the recent ruling, Stickman said that the gathering limits imposed by the state's mitigation orders violated the right of assembly. The ruling also said that the stay-at-home and business closure orders violated the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and that the business closure order violated the equal protection clause.

The judge's order does not affect current 25% and 50% capacity restrictions in restaurants, just large group gatherings. The ruling does not affect the state's requirement that people wear masks in public.

Ed Easterly, a labor attorney in Allentown, says one of the biggest sticking points over the gathering sizes is the inconsistencies within the Wolf administration.  Easterly cited protests that exceeded 250 people and were not condemned and other business venues that were approved by the governor's office exceeding his administration's restrictions as factors in the latest ruling.

So what does this mean for businesses and social gatherings?


"The gathering order, the stay-at-home order, they can not be enforced," Easterly said.

Easterly has some legal advice on how to proceed.

"Businesses should be careful before returning to business as normal," Easterly said.

Governor Wolf talked to reporters on Tuesday.

"I think regardless of what a judge rules or regardless of what a general assembly decides, the people of Pennsylvania have shown they don't want to get this disease," Wolf said.

The Wolf administration has said the legal battle is far from over.


Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

I'll play the covidiot for once...


Tell everybody about it!  It's so amazing, like magic to those who have no clue what the f**k they're talking about!  Science! 😂

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh
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