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_-*Dream Log*-_

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Quote from bojay on September 29, 2021, 10:44 pm

It happened again.  I was woken up by a notification  and thought what the hell,  it's 2:45am, I'll catch a DSW.  It was great and then I fell back asleep.  I dreamt Dan and I were in the same helophysics class in college and on the same team for a group project.  I totally plagiarized my presentation and made it super fancy high gloss, you know to try to conceal the fact that I was a complete fraud etc.  Dan took one look at it, and said "I'm not signing off on this, no way" and tossed it aside.  Fair, I thought, it was stolen work and Dan saw it right away.  After that, we decided to submit our own work separately and I was still going with my stolen work.  As we were walking out, saying good bye, Dan said he was driving back to PA "like he does every day" and I thought wow, you drive all the way back home from here? (I'm assuming the college was the one I went to in WI).  

Anyway, it's been a while since I posted a dream so there ya go.  Cheers.

Haha, I love this!

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

So here's a weird one from this morning:


So, I'm hanging out with some people, I don't remember who. One of them is a young kid who's like seven or eight years old. He threatens to punch me in the face, I say that he probably shouldn't do that in that he'll hurt his hand. He disagreed so I invited him to do it would she instantly tried to do. I naturally slightly moved and slipped most of the punch and it did zero damage to his hand or my face. Due to his instant penchant for violence, I told him to leave. He did leave, but then he came back with who other than Professor Dr Brian Keating. I thought that was kind of strange, but it turns out that apparently Dr Keating is married to somebody in the family or something and came back to question me. He said why is a 30-plus year old guy getting in a fight with an eight year old kid? So I said, first of all I'm 47, almost your age, bud. Secondly I just told him that if he punched me in the face he'd break his hand, and he disagreed, so I invited him to do it, but I didn't expect them to actually do it.


And that, my friends is a weird dream.

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Here's one:


So, I'm hanging out with a group of about 8-10 young strangers, I witness two of them commit a couple of murders, then we're back at their place. 


It's like a basement rec room or something.  I get worried that the two ring leaders are going to take me out next. 


When they start acting squirrelly, I promptly shoot one once in the face and the other twice in the face.  They're both no longer a threat.  Then the female ring leader pulls a boot knife, refuses to put it down and she takes a round to the chest, which doesn't seem to phase her.  


I lock myself in the bathroom, which has two flimsy entry doors and I call some friends from back in the 1990s high school days to come rescue me like the cavalry. 

Boot knife chick kicks the door in and gets shot 5 more times, and still doesn't seem to be out of the fight.  Then my old high school friends show up with shotguns, and I'm saved.


The silver lining is: I haven't been sleeping well at all and at least this extremely disturbing and violent dream was an indication I'd entered REM sleep.  🧐

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

So I dreamt that my mom, grandmother and vile uncle's vile wife were living together in my grandmother's house.  I returned to it from somewhere, and let's just say the things I shouted at the evil witch were rather unpleasant.  They were very very unpleasant, and as usual the evil witch caused it.  See, she likes to attempt to spread lies publicly about people.  It's a well documented pattern and some people don't like that.  So I kept on telling her what's up at rather high volume I might add (my ability to yell is somewhat unearthly).  For some reason, my mom and grandmother just calmly looked on as I viciously berated the evil witch.  She moved out in minutes and there was much rejoicing. 


lol now THAT was an awesome dream.  

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Crazy dream, ultra vivid.


At the end, a jingle played, 'we love you Cavendish, Cavendish, Cavendish' weirdly referring to me as 'Cavendish', for some reason.

I was at a powerful family's estate, and to make a long story short, I overheard the patriarch and eldest son arguing over something.  They didn't realize I could overhear them due to some electronic listening device.  It was projecting their conversation into a cheap 1980s boom box in the basement.  Realizing it would be an issue if they knew I knew what was being said, 'the eldest son wanted me to do an important job for him, and the father disliked and mistrusted me'.  I quietly exited the basement unseen and returned to the gathering via the front door, where I was let in my am evil yet confused daughter.


Suddenly, I found myself at a funeral banquet.  A series of motorcyclists arrived together dressed in black leather.  It was the family and all the guests visited a small building on the compound.  The building contained some arcane items including a tray full of anointing oil and reddish orange spiky egg-like objects. 


We all gathered at the banquet table in a different building.  Before we ate, somebody casted a spell which revealed and manifested everybody's true sprits and full powers.  Everybody's allotments became intrinsically part of our appearance.  Some suddenly looked like demons from a storybook, others were golden beings of light, others were very plain looking.  It was as if our forms from the outer planes had manifested on Earth.  We were transformed into our true selves, but remained on the prime material plane of existence on this small compound surrounded by lush green mature tree forest. 


Unable to resist the newly held powers, guests began to argue headedly.  As deadly battles began to break out amongst evil vs good aligned guests, I decided to exit the weird, unnecessarily escalated scene.  One of the opposite aligned guests, a now demonic looking Gehenna, Tarterus, or Stygia apparent female native attempted to kill me.  She casted some death magic at me.  I dodged the attack, and realizing I would not be able to safely escape- entered the small building.  Now understanding that the objects were dragon eggs, I grabbed one.  I almost went outside with it, to use it as a weapon versus my pursuer.  Realizing I needed to dip it in the anointing oil to utilize its full power, I did this promptly to refrain from wasting the valuable item.  

Stepping outside to face my attacker, the female pure evil demonic former woman did not initially see me and I hurled the doped dragon towards her missing wide left.  The dragon egg struck the ground exploding in a dangerous, volatile ball of sparks and fire.  This was a sufficient diversion.  With a jumping sidekick, I kicked the demon's head off effortlessly.  The head just cleanly separated from the body with barely any resistance.  The dream ended there like a book chapter fading to black as the haunting jingle from the beginning of this account played...  'We love you... Cavendish... Cavendish,,, Cavendish...'


It was pretty odd.


lifeForceRejuvination has reacted to this post.
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh


Jon Kotowski
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