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_-*Dream Log*-_

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Everybody should keep a dream log.  

There are widely understood physical, psychological, spiritual, even social and emotional benefits.  Don't ignore your dreams, as you're writing them and they're telling you things likely about your reality.

Not everybody should make their dream log public, but I'll be more than happy to share some of mine publicly.  

Feel free to share yours, comment freely and say whatever you want to.  We don't censor you like #BigTech.




Back in probably 2002 or 2003, during summer, I think when Tyler Hamilton was on Team CSC Tiscali (one of the worst doping teams ever, they doped so badly and so outrageously and so dangerously!...that practically the entire management, and half the riders were banned for life from the sport if I remember correctly).  Anyway, the recent biopics of Lance Armstrong reminded me of this hilarious dream.

-Testers: Lance, Tyler and Dan Get 'Fucked Up'-

So we're having a summer picnic/ house party as was typically the case around those years, and attending the party is who else, but two guys I've never met or talked to in my life- Lance Armstrong and Tyler Hamilton.  Everybody's mingling with drinks in their hands, the music is blasting, it's night time, a normal summer picnic night.  Then, Lance and Tyler pull me aside and they say below music levels, 'Hey, you wanna get fucked up with us?'  

I was like, '...okaaay, what will we do?'

They escort me out back, in the shadows behind an alcove where the back yard porch light casts a shadow...  I'm like, 'okay, now what?'.  Not knowing what to expect, but basically expecting one of them to light a joint or something normal...   Here's what happens...

One of these rubes, and I don't know which one (I think it was Lance, but I'm not entirely sure).  Let me backtrack, my dream was not depicting them as 'rubes', nor as meatheads but as nerds because wait for it...  wait for it...  One of them reaches into a pocket (we were wearing casual clothes not cycling kits, btw) and produces a tiny jar.  It's the kind of jar that Testers model paints come in.  You know the ones, right?  They're like 2 ounces of paint for painting models.  So, I'm like oh boy...  Here we go with the medicine droppers and the corticosteroids...  But I don't say anything, and then one of them produces a cotton swab (otherwise known by holders of Johnson and Johnson stock as a q-tip), takes the lid off the tiny jar, and dips the swab into the contents.  Turns out it was indeed Testers model paint, silver in color and we all sniffed this tiny ineffective amount of paint from the swab.



True dream.

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

My dream two nights ago.  

I'm at the lake house I grew up in.  Buzz Osborne from Melvins barges into my bedroom, totally naked.  He has a sunburn on the entire front of his body, but not the back.  I freak, he freaks and says "Oh my God I'm so sorry!" and runs out of my room.

I follow him to his room (fully clothed, and by this time he is also clothed) and say, "maybe I should barge into your room naked too."  I am carrying two 4packs of pudding-packs.  One chocolate, one pistachio.  He points at the 4pack of pistachio pudding and says "that is mine".  I have no problem with that and we proceed to have a conversation.  He tells me this was the last day of the tour.  I ask him if he is returning to Washington and he says yes, they are leaving tomorrow.  We have a few more seconds of small chat and I ask him again when he is returning to Washington and he says "you already asked me that."


What do you think?  Are pistachio pudding 4packs even a thing?  

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I have no idea.  Can we email Bill Cosby in prison?

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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

I dreamed Ghislaine Maxwell died in prison. I was disappointed, but kind not at all surprised. It was so realistic that I had to ask Gogglecorp whether or not that had happened. 

Ps. Gogglecorp's answer was kind of funny, it said - Yes, Robert Maxwell died in 1997. As though that's what people are asking these days when they go on goggle.  Kind of seems like one of those subjects they wouldn't mind directing people away from. 


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smAshMary Wright

Wait until 2021.  Google is due for a full anal probe.  Everybody will finally be certain that Alphabet (Google) is full of shit.

Mary Wright has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

I don't remember my dreams anymore thanks to medicine. It sucks I used to have very intense significant dreams

smAsh has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright

You're not really supposed to remember dreams, Mary.  Your short term memory, the predecessor of all long term memory, doesn't really work normally- like voluntary muscle function.  Normal sleep patterns only feature the occasional remembered dream.

Regarding the medicine, which one do you think is affecting your dreams?

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Had a vivid dream last night that we were trying to go on vacation (to drive to Florida).  We were using my old 1995 Dodge Neon, which I traded in for a Chevrolet Blazer.  This in 2002.  There were endless problems with getting underway to begin driving the roughly 1000 miles, not the least of which were endless flat tires.  Also, for some reason by the end of the dream we'd given up entirely on vacation.  Instead I was water skiing around some sort of municipal concrete water reservoir.  It was an extremely frustrating dream, caused anxiety and was annoying. 

related:  It was however not even close to the real life nightmare of Big Tech fraud and censorship we experience daily thanks to disgusting corporations like Google (#1 on the list of most disgusting companies in history), Facebook (who releases even worse and clunkier barely functioning software  than Google) and Twitter (actively interfering in dialogues between people while like the other 2 putrid plutocracies enjoying all the benefits of both publishers and platforms).

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

today 2/17/2021  I woke up in the middle of the night to watch Daily Space Weather, it was great. I fell back asleep and had a dream that smAshomAsh appeared in. 

I was at a usual night club in my town that I frequented before the 'rona, hanging out by the back stairs.  Dan, aka smAshomAsh appears at the top of the stairs, wearing a very flashy, stylishly tailored gucci red plaid suit with metallic gold threading and buttons.  He is not wearing a shirt underneath and has a moderate amount of hair on his chest (not borat hairy) and is tall (about 6'2").  He proceeds to hand out tshirts to the random people on the stairs and I think, "wait a minute, I know that guy".  His demeanor is very much like the Tom Ellis character Lucifer on the popular series.  Another woman and I look at each other and decide we are going to try to party with this guy.  (Maybe Mary?).  The "party" never happened but it was an amusing dream as Mary and I tried to get this guy away from the crowd. 

LOL.  Pretty nice dream and since it contained smAshomAsh elements, I thought I'd share.  Cheers!

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It happened again.  I was woken up by a notification  and thought what the hell,  it's 2:45am, I'll catch a DSW.  It was great and then I fell back asleep.  I dreamt Dan and I were in the same helophysics class in college and on the same team for a group project.  I totally plagiarized my presentation and made it super fancy high gloss, you know to try to conceal the fact that I was a complete fraud etc.  Dan took one look at it, and said "I'm not signing off on this, no way" and tossed it aside.  Fair, I thought, it was stolen work and Dan saw it right away.  After that, we decided to submit our own work separately and I was still going with my stolen work.  As we were walking out, saying good bye, Dan said he was driving back to PA "like he does every day" and I thought wow, you drive all the way back home from here? (I'm assuming the college was the one I went to in WI).  

Anyway, it's been a while since I posted a dream so there ya go.  Cheers.

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