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What's going on with Daily Space Weather videos?

Happy Easter!  


You may have noticed that unless you're a Patron- you cannot likely see today's Daily Space Weather video.

This is because we've bumped the Daily Space weather video to make a one- day- old Daily Space Weather video.  That's right, it's now Yesterday's Space Weather.  

If you're a Patron, you can see today's video immediately.  Due to certain unspecified criteria, we will continue releasing the videos in this fashion. 

There will still be content about cosmology and other things on the YouTube channel, exclusive content will still be regularly  uploaded to BIT CHUTE, and streamed live to Twitch as well.  We're just no longer showing the daily space weather to anybody besides Patrons (again, until the next day).  That's all, really.  You'd pay $3 (or more if you want additional perks)/ month for the content or you'll simply get it a day late. 

Thanks viewers, friends, foes and neutrals.  There are many different reasons for this, which we need not elaborate on at this time.


Mary Wright has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh
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