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Magnet array design for magnetism at distance

Should make magnetism at a distance and would make for interesting properties like a seemingly a monopole that's not actually a monopole just basically n and s connect by thin wire like field and would look like perfectly round or maybe bowl shaped fields this would lead to revolution of tech in cosmology aviation aerospace particle physics etc 

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○°| Making the world obvious in not so obvious ways connecting patterns and associating Aincent pasts gods as symbolic personification of very complex ideals in physics, atomics, cosmology etc. Taking folklore and learning the subtext the esoterical data preserved in the complex nature like intentional to keep the memory alive over many many many generations. Data is gathered sometimes through a process of creative writing where I'm pretend to believe that unimportant information is vital and relevant and use overactive imagination to understand various outcomes that lead to ultimately accurate conclusions and new ideals no one has considered. Sometimes this process I call being creatively precautious. As you are aware but not simultaneously it's a near manic but not emotional state that's helps me with my esoterical portion of my bestowic behavior. Information metadata seemingly not yet important but truly underlying geometrical and core structure of messages and symbols are relevant. ●•|

Here's another view  this is based on primer field bowl magnetic array of David lapointes work and my understanding of pyramidal magnetic anomolous fields of cone and pyramidal magnets Wich has a limitations of nozzeling due to leaking so I made it a fountain

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○°| Making the world obvious in not so obvious ways connecting patterns and associating Aincent pasts gods as symbolic personification of very complex ideals in physics, atomics, cosmology etc. Taking folklore and learning the subtext the esoterical data preserved in the complex nature like intentional to keep the memory alive over many many many generations. Data is gathered sometimes through a process of creative writing where I'm pretend to believe that unimportant information is vital and relevant and use overactive imagination to understand various outcomes that lead to ultimately accurate conclusions and new ideals no one has considered. Sometimes this process I call being creatively precautious. As you are aware but not simultaneously it's a near manic but not emotional state that's helps me with my esoterical portion of my bestowic behavior. Information metadata seemingly not yet important but truly underlying geometrical and core structure of messages and symbols are relevant. ●•|

This magnet array would also be likened to a force field and tractor beam as well as if made electromagnetically and reversed at high frequency with 3 of them doing so in a pattern would allow for anti-gravity.

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○°| Making the world obvious in not so obvious ways connecting patterns and associating Aincent pasts gods as symbolic personification of very complex ideals in physics, atomics, cosmology etc. Taking folklore and learning the subtext the esoterical data preserved in the complex nature like intentional to keep the memory alive over many many many generations. Data is gathered sometimes through a process of creative writing where I'm pretend to believe that unimportant information is vital and relevant and use overactive imagination to understand various outcomes that lead to ultimately accurate conclusions and new ideals no one has considered. Sometimes this process I call being creatively precautious. As you are aware but not simultaneously it's a near manic but not emotional state that's helps me with my esoterical portion of my bestowic behavior. Information metadata seemingly not yet important but truly underlying geometrical and core structure of messages and symbols are relevant. ●•|

why 3?

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh
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