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I can't think of anything, except genealogy (that is what I'm really interested in).

I have an family tree. The "Scott Family Tree" I'm 3skis if anyone is on  I did my Ancestry DNA Test.  It isn't exactly like I thought it would be.  My 4th & 5th Great Grandfather and lots of # Gt Uncles, too, on my Dad's side were both in the Revolutionary War out of Virginia.

My 2nd Great Grandfather also on my Dad's side were in the Civil War out of Missouri. And lots of # Gt uncles.

My Mom's side were in Germany  during the Revolutionary War, but some of my Great Grandfather's brothers were in the Civil War as they came over from Germany to the united States in 1852, on board the Bremen in to the New Orlean's port.  And they took a raft up the Mississippi River to St. Louis, MO.  Some of them stayed there (my line did) and some went to Quincy, Illinois, and some went to California, MO.  I grew up around California, MO but they were not in my line and I didn't know them them, and my Mother didn't think we were related to them, but I have found that we were.

Ok I have board you all enough with my family tree.  I didn't name any names, but if interested in them, sure.

Bestowic, Mary Wright and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
BestowicMary Wrightdastrevbojay

That's pretty cool, Jan.  Thanks for sharing.

Mary Wright has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh
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