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Yes here we are. They have tried to break us but we're still here. More are seeing the truth everyday. The world's leading vaccine expert is now saying that these vaccines are all wrong and will only damage people's immune system He is expressing this around the world saying it must stop. He sends a message to all medical specialists ie lab techs to Drs to nurses. Look at what your doing critically. See the errors in what's going on. See that these are Not Vaccines but a gene therapy that can damage your cells permanently. Also Another prominent Dr I'm sorry I'm terrible at remembering names, is explaining how this virus has a bacterial component and that's why antibiotics work and the vaccines wont work. I see the professional people turning away from their personal gains- paycheck- to telling the truth and refusing to give in to Big Pharma and their associates like the Gates foundation. This will go down in history as the greatest attempted world take over that was thwarted by the human spirit  The true nature of humanities search for truth and putting down the old ways for a better future

smAsh has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright

New video series coming:

The Corona Chronicles


...Will use this forum thread to examine where we were a year ago and where we are now regarding the pandemic.

Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

New Nanoparticle Flu Vaccine Blocks Many Seasonal and Pandemic Strains

Nanoparticle Flu Vaccine

A depiction of a nanoparticle vaccine that contains proteins from many different flu strains. Credit: UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design

Scientists at UW Medicine and the NIH have created experimental flu shots that spur broad immunity in animal trials.

Researchers have developed experimental flu shots that protect animals from a wide variety of seasonal and pandemic influenza strains. The vaccine product is currently being advanced toward clinical testing. If proven safe and effective, these next-generation influenza vaccines may replace current seasonal options by providing protection against many more strains that current vaccines do not adequately cover.

A study detailing how the new flu vaccines were designed and how they protect mice, ferrets, and nonhuman primates appears in the March 24, 2021, edition of the journal Nature. This work was led by researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine and the Vaccine


Research Center part of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health.

Influenza virus causes an estimated 290,000-650,000 deaths per year. Available flu vaccines, which need to be taken seasonally, often fail to protect against many circulating flu strains that cause illness, and the threat of another influenza pandemic looms.

Neil King of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a researcher at the UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design describes the development of an experimental nanoparticle vaccine against a variety of seasonal and pandemic influenza strains. Credit: Randy Carnell/UW Medicine

“Most flu shots available today are quadrivalent, meaning they are made from four different flu strains. Each year, the World Health Organization makes a bet on which four strains will be most prevalent, but those predictions can significantly vary in their accuracy. This is why we often end up with ‘mismatched’ flu shots that are still helpful but only partially effective,” said lead author Daniel Ellis, a research scientist in the laboratory of Neil King. King is an assistant professor of biochemistry at the UW School of Medicine and a researcher at the Institute for Protein Design at UW Medicine.

To create improved influenza vaccines, the team attached hemagglutinin proteins from four different influenza viruses to custom-made protein nanoparticles. This approach enabled an unprecedented level of control over the molecular configuration of the resulting vaccine and yielded an improved immune response compared to conventional flu shots. The new nanoparticle vaccines, which contain the same four hemagglutinin proteins of commercially available quadrivalent influenza vaccines, elicited neutralizing antibody responses to vaccine-matched strains that were equivalent or superior to the commercial vaccines in mice, ferrets, and nonhuman primates. The nanoparticle vaccines — but not the commercial vaccines — also induced protective antibody responses to viruses not contained in the vaccine formulation. These include avian influenza viruses H5N1 and H7N9, which are considered pandemic threats.

“The responses that our vaccine gives against strain-matched viruses are really strong, and the additional coverage we saw against mismatched strains could lower the risk of a bad flu season,” said Ellis.

Reference: “Quadrivalent influenza nanoparticle vaccines induce broad protection” by Seyhan Boyoglu-Barnum, Daniel Ellis, Rebecca A. Gillespie, Geoffrey B. Hutchinson, Young-Jun Park, Syed M. Moin, Oliver J. Acton, Rashmi Ravichandran, Mike Murphy, Deleah Pettie, Nick Matheson, Lauren Carter, Adrian Creanga, Michael J. Watson, Sally Kephart, Sila Ataca, John R. Vaile, George Ueda, Michelle C. Crank, Lance Stewart, Kelly K. Lee, Miklos Guttman, David Baker, John R. Mascola, David Veesler, Barney S. Graham, Neil P. King and Masaru Kanekiyo, 24 March 2021, Nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03365-x


Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Lockdowns and mask mandates do not, never have and never will work to 'control outbreaks'.  Jeffrey Tucker knows this.  Do you?


Why Is Everyone in Texas Not Dying?

Jeffrey A. Tucker 


I’m sitting at a bar in Texas, surrounded by maskless people, looking at folks on the streets walking around like life is normal, talking with nice and friendly faces, feeling like things in the world are more-or-less normal. Cases and deaths attributed to Covid are, like everywhere else, falling dramatically. 


If you pay attention only to the media fear campaigns, you would find this confusing. More than two weeks ago, the governor of Texas completely reversed his devastating lockdown policies and repealed all his emergency powers, along with the egregious attacks on rights and liberties.


There was something very un-Texan about those lockdowns. My hotel room is festooned with pictures of cowboys on horses waving guns in the air, along with other depictions of rugged individualism facing down the elements. It’s a caricature but Texans embrace it. Then a new virus came along – as if that had never happened before in Texas – and the new Zoom class took the opposite path, not freedom but imposition and control. 


After nearly a year of nonsense, on March 2, 2021, the governor finally said enough is enough and repealed it all. Towns and cities can still engage in Covid-related mischief but at least they are no longer getting cover from the governor’s office. 


At that moment, a friend remarked to me that this would be the test we have been waiting for. A complete repeal of restrictions would lead to mass death, they said. Would it? Did the lockdowns really control the virus? We would soon find out, he theorized. 


I knew better. The “test” of whether and to what extent lockdowns control the virus or “suppress outbreaks” (in Anthony Fauci’s words) has been tried all over the world. Every serious empirical examination has shown that the answer is no. 


The US has many examples of open states that have generally had better performance in managing the disease than those states that are closed. Georgia already opened on April 24, 2020. South Dakota never shut down. South Carolina opened in May. Florida ended all restrictions in September. In every case, the press howled about the coming slaughter that did not happen. Yes, each open state experienced a seasonality wave in winter but so did the lockdown states. 


So it was in Texas. Thanks to this Twitter thread, and some of my own googling, we have a nice archive of predictions about what would happen if Texas opened. 


California Governor Gavin Newsom said that opening Texas was “absolutely reckless.”

Gregg Popovich, head coach of the NBA San Antonio Spurs, said opening was “ridiculous” and “ignorant.”

CNN quoted an ICU nurse saying “I’m scared of what this is going to look like.”

Vanity Fair went over the top with this headline: “Republican Governors Celebrate COVID Anniversary With Bold Plan to Kill Another 500,000 Americans.”

There was the inevitable Dr. Fauci: “It just is inexplicable why you would want to pull back now.”

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke of Texas revealed himself to be a full-blown lockdowner: It’s a “big mistake,” he said. “It’s hard to escape the conclusion that it’s also a cult of death.” He accused the governor of “sacrificing the lives of our fellow Texans … for political gain.”

James Hamblin, a doctor and writer for the Atlantic, said in a Tweet liked by 20K people: “Ending precautions now is like entering the last miles of a marathon and taking off your shoes and eating several hot dogs.”

Bestselling author Kurt Eichenwald flipped out: “Goddamn. Texas already has FIVE variants that have turned up: Britain, South Africa, Brazil, New York & CA. The NY and CA variants could weaken vaccine effectiveness. And now idiot @GregAbbott_TX throws open the state.” He further called the government “murderous.” 

Epidemiologist Whitney Robinson wrote: “I feel genuinely sad. There are people who are going to get sick and die bc of avoidable infections they get in the next few weeks. It’s demoralizing.”

Pundit Bill Kristol (I had no idea that he was a lockdowner) wrote: “Gov. Abbott is going to be responsible for more avoidable COVID hospitalizations and deaths than all the undocumented immigrants coming across the Texas border put together.”

Health pundit Bob Wachter said the decision to open was “unforgivable.”

Virus guru Michael Osterholm told CNN: “We’re walking into the mouth of the monster. We simply are.”

Joe Biden famously said that the Texas decision to open reflected “Neanderthal thinking.”

Nutritionist Eric Feigl-Ding said that the decision makes him want to “vomit so bad.”

The chairman of the state’s Democratic Party said: “What Abbott is doing is extraordinarily dangerous. This will kill Texans. Our country’s infectious-disease specialists have warned that we should not put our guard down, even as we make progress towards vaccinations. Abbott doesn’t care.”

Other state Democrats said in a letter that the decision was “premature and harmful.”

The CDC’s Rochelle Walensky didn’t mince words: “Please hear me clearly: At this level of cases with variants spreading, we stand to completely lose the hard-earned ground we have gained. I am really worried about reports that more states are rolling back the exact public health measures we have recommended to protect people from COVID-19.”

There are probably hundreds more such warnings, predictions, and demands, all stated with absolute certainty that basic social and market functioning is a terrible idea. The lockdown lobby was out in full force. And yet what do we see now more than two weeks out (and arguably the lockdowns died on March 2, when the government announced the decision)? 


Here are the data. 




The CDC has a very helpful tool that allows anyone to compare open vs closed states. The results are devastating for those who believe that lockdowns are the way to control a virus. In this chart we compare closed states Massachusetts and California with open states Georgia, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina. 



What can we conclude from such a visualization? It suggests that the lockdowns have had no statistically observable effect on the virus trajectory and resulting severe outcomes. The open states have generally performed better, perhaps not because they are open but simply for reasons of demographics and seasonality. The closed states seem not to have achieved anything in terms of mitigation. 


On the other hand, the lockdowns destroyed industries, schools, churches, liberties and lives, demoralizing the population and robbing people of essential rights. All in the name of safety from a virus that did its work in any case. 


As for Texas, the results so far are in.



I’m making no predictions about the future path of the virus in Texas. Indeed for a full year, AIER has been careful about not trying to outguess this virus, which has its own ways, some predictable and some mysterious. The experience has, or should have, humbled everyone. Political arrangements seem to have no power to control it, much less finally suppress it. The belief that it was possible to control people in order to control a virus produced a calamity unprecedented in modern times. 


What’s striking about all the above predictions of infections and deaths is not just that they were all wrong. It’s the arrogance and confidence behind each of them. After a full year and directly observing the inability of “nonpharmaceutical interventions” to manage the pathogen, the experts are still wedded to their beloved lockdowns, unable or unwilling to look at the data and learn anything from them. 


The concept of lockdowns stemmed from a faulty premise: that you can separate humans, like rats in cages, and therefore control and even eradicate the virus. After a year, we unequivocally know this not to be true, something that the best and wisest epidemiologists knew all along. Essential workers still must work; they must go home to their families, many in crowded living conditions. Lockdowns do not eliminate the virus, they merely shift the burden onto the working class.  


Now we can see the failure in black, white, and full color, daily appearing on our screens courtesy of the CDC. Has that shaken the pro-lockdown pundit class? Not that much. What an amazing testament to the stubbornness of elite opinion and its bias against basic freedoms. They might all echo the words of Groucho Marx: “Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?”



Mary Wright has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright
Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh
Quote from smAsh on April 4, 2020, 5:28 am

Innovative Ways Satellites Can Help With COVID-19 – ESA Wants Your Ideas

COVID-19 Satellites Help

A new call related to COVID-19 has been added to the Permanently Open Call, which is part of ESA’s Earth Observation Science for Society program. The aim is to see how satellite data can be used to map understand the effects that the virus is imposing on society, the economy and the environment. Credit: ESA

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has virtually paralyzed daily life as we know it. Even when the spread of this highly infectious disease has been stemmed, the world will face huge challenges getting back to normal. To help support experts working in Europe’s research centers and technical organizations during these unprecedented times, ESA has issued two new initiatives related to understanding the effects that COVID-19 is imposing on society, the economy, and the environment.

As road traffic in cities around the world comes to a near standstill, Europe’s Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite mission is providing key information about changes in concentrations of atmospheric pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide. However, there remains huge potential to use Earth observation data to shed new light on other societal and economic changes currently taking place.

To see how Earth-observing missions could be further used to explore the effects of COVID-19, ESA has issued a new call for proposals. The aim is to see how satellite data can be used, for example, to map changes around transport networks, commercial ports and heavy industry such as oil refineries.

Frankfurt Airport Amid COVID-19

Normally busy, Frankfurt airport stands still amid the COVID-19 crisis. The image was captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission on March 30, 2020. Credit: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2020), processed by ESA

ESA’s Director of Earth Observation Programmes, Josef Aschbacher, said, “COVID-19 is putting society under huge strain. While ESA isn’t really placed to help forecast the progression of the virus, we certainly continue to have a wealth of data streaming back to us from some of the most sophisticated satellites ever built as well as new artificial intelligence technologies that can be used to understand and monitor some of the societal shifts.

“Innovation is key to using satellite data to help serve society during these challenging times and we trust that our new call will return some valuable proposals.”

This new call has been added to the Permanently Open Call, which is part of ESA’s Earth Observation Science for Society program.

In addition to the new call, on April 6, 2020, ESA in coordination with the European Commission is launching a special edition of the Custom Script Contest. The contest calls for remote sensing experts, machine learning scientists as well as the interested public to submit ideas on how satellite data could help mitigate the situation for economic sectors such as industry, commerce, transport, and agriculture, but is also open to other ideas. Anyone can contribute an idea.

The best contributions will be rewarded with cash prizes on a weekly basis. Also, every month there will be a prize for the best idea in each category and a final prize for the best overall contribution.

Grega Milcinski, from Sinergise said, “Participants should simply compose a set of slides presenting their ideas using the Earth observation data, tools and machine learning technologies made easily available for all skill levels. These will be evaluated on a weekly basis in order to make use of them as soon as possible – the COVID-19 situation needs it!”

About the Copernicus Sentinels

The Copernicus Sentinels are a fleet of dedicated EU-owned satellites, designed to deliver the wealth of data and imagery that are central to the European Union’s Copernicus environmental program. The European Commission leads and coordinates this program, to improve the management of the environment, safeguarding lives every day. ESA is in charge of the space component, responsible for developing the family of Copernicus Sentinel satellites on behalf of the European Union and ensuring the flow of data for the Copernicus services, while the operations of the Copernicus Sentinels have been entrusted to ESA and EUMETSAT.



Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

HELLO TO ALL.. Im new at this but IM really angry about this dr Facui. Pres Binladed is now on a U tube station called Brave wildness. I have no Humor about this.. I cant tell if this is a setup/for real?????Canot let them get away with this takeover C.IA/vatican/ globleobleist/ Morgan Stanly/china Deepstate... Pie( And I Do NOT) want too use this word...IN YOUR FACE.I feel like moving to S Dakota.

smAsh, Mary Wright and Freelife Tas have reacted to this post.
smAshMary WrightFreelife Tas
Robert LaFollette

I'm feeling very frightened after reading the new nazi door to door tyranny campaign The fact they're telling " ambassadors" to break the law not once but twice has me wondering if I'm in the United states anymore. This takes on a whole new sinister effect. I also read where if you have allergies it's ok they are ready to deal with anaphylaxis Are you fucking kidding me?  What sort of bat shit crazy would believe that?  I don't know how this will end but the truth must prevail while there's more than the elite left to hear it. Anyone with ideas please let me know. Its unthinkable that a disabled senior citizen should be afraid of someone coming to her door to see if they need to target her as an antivaxxer

smAsh has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright

Dan once again I h have to express deep gratitude . You are a great communicator. I was reading your post below, Im saying to myself; who is writing all of this info, what is their name ? As I am scrolling up Its you : over and over, gosh darn lot of organized information, Mary Im certain you have read all of that info. The deep state has to have a narrative// it is played out like a fine Pease of music. This grab has been formulated and in play with multiple power hungry factions and corporations' before ww2 . I have to leave the house now . to be continued. You are safe now right? Im learning not to fuck up my moment, I just said a dirty word......Dan and his god given gifts to express and communicate consigntly and concise ( sp) Mary this is all new to me post the taken election. For the life of me one night Dan /aka Smash was on my computer at late night. I was a sleep but heard the strange person ranting at times about the election while doing his solar forecasting. Being me I tuned in on his total i was . Today it is leveling out for now. I am learning and taking a real risk . I made a choice to express my feelings to people , that I dont really know. Ex; Dan was the first person that I ever communicated with on line. So in my opinion you are in a safe place/ me it is a 24 hr deal with real honest communication here. Thank you for reaching out to me 143 Robert L I asked a very wise man yrs ago ( how do I deal with this fear? ) Get educated about the topic . Problem is choosing the right person to ask. Dan once again comes in to play well . Scroll down and observe how many resources he lists multiple papers , multiple disciplines. Dan is a master of organizing Topics and people. How do you think i got here now?LOL

Mary Wright has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright
Robert LaFollette

I completely agree with you. Dan is very intelligent and good at communicating to others. Everyone here has special talents and interests. I'm so glad I found Dan I don't even remember how I did. It's been over 2 yrs. Between the videos and the forum theres a wealth of information I still learn every day. I'm glad you are part of this group of cool nerds lol. You can use any language you need to, to express yourself. I know with emotionally charged subjects I swear a lot. This is a special place full of special people. Welcome to Smash crew 

Mary Wright

Hello now for something completely different.. an explanation of the above rant .I located the analysis .It is located on u tube Joan Schmelz, Almost 50 yrs of coronal heating.( University Space Research Association/ Nasa post doctoral program.) If you get this message, and embark, We are not boarding a boat.. It is to take a new coarse of action. Smeltz  presents Ans to observable data. In conclusion She will explain to others what has been observed from the sun ,and unsolved questions about how the present model of the corona is of a variable nature. Time to stop my interpretation. I am not qualified nor have the educational  degree to what ever. Listen to Her. She is the expert. I destroyed her message earlier, enough of my Crap.. She might be onto something.. To everyone here with much respect Robert. Better get the advil out. 



model corona

Robert LaFollette
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