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Clouds forming in helix pattern above specific areas

I was going over my theory about the ancients harnessing sound to grow in low light and as I was adding tacks I zoomed out to a satellite photo where you can see a helixed cloud form and to my suprise they lined up, Coincidence? Google withholding information by puting fake clouds? or possibly the ancients know of these areas and used it for their resonance frequencies? or maybe they caused this from the structures? any thoughts?


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EdenllDoo and Mary Wright have reacted to this post.
EdenllDooMary Wright
○°| Making the world obvious in not so obvious ways connecting patterns and associating Aincent pasts gods as symbolic personification of very complex ideals in physics, atomics, cosmology etc. Taking folklore and learning the subtext the esoterical data preserved in the complex nature like intentional to keep the memory alive over many many many generations. Data is gathered sometimes through a process of creative writing where I'm pretend to believe that unimportant information is vital and relevant and use overactive imagination to understand various outcomes that lead to ultimately accurate conclusions and new ideals no one has considered. Sometimes this process I call being creatively precautious. As you are aware but not simultaneously it's a near manic but not emotional state that's helps me with my esoterical portion of my bestowic behavior. Information metadata seemingly not yet important but truly underlying geometrical and core structure of messages and symbols are relevant. ●•|

Prerty cool formation there. Im always noticing fractal repetition of shapes within the clouds.

Bestowic and Mary Wright have reacted to this post.
BestowicMary Wright
Kimberly Eden'll Doo Nichols Queen Bee - Southern Observers Anon Qld Australia

Uhhh ur not gonna belive this


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Mary Wright has reacted to this post.
Mary Wright
○°| Making the world obvious in not so obvious ways connecting patterns and associating Aincent pasts gods as symbolic personification of very complex ideals in physics, atomics, cosmology etc. Taking folklore and learning the subtext the esoterical data preserved in the complex nature like intentional to keep the memory alive over many many many generations. Data is gathered sometimes through a process of creative writing where I'm pretend to believe that unimportant information is vital and relevant and use overactive imagination to understand various outcomes that lead to ultimately accurate conclusions and new ideals no one has considered. Sometimes this process I call being creatively precautious. As you are aware but not simultaneously it's a near manic but not emotional state that's helps me with my esoterical portion of my bestowic behavior. Information metadata seemingly not yet important but truly underlying geometrical and core structure of messages and symbols are relevant. ●•|
Quote from Bestowic on December 31, 2019, 12:36 am

Uhhh ur not gonna belive this



Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

I absolutely believe it. First and foremost the forgotten or misunderstood power of the mind to effect matter. Findhorn garden for one. Yes the ancients knew how to effect matter with conciouness. We are just beginning to rediscover what they knew. They were close to nature. We think we can control it often times with brut force. It doesn't work well. There's countless amounts of information discarded as myths or imaginations that could help us now if we just stop denying the truth. Just like "It's the sun" 😃

Mary Wright
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