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Australia ...Hindsight 2020

Inviting Aussies to share their open opinions and information gathered  in regard to the Australian Government Response to Covid19.

All opinions matter. All questions are worth asking... keep an open mind...

As many know, im not one to go on about politics, its over my head often.... but some things just arent sitting right..

Passports locally, no vax no work. So many businesses are crumbling and so are our communities.. we nedd to stay united as a nation not CDC fall for cf the segregating news and constantly altertnating theories on what the fuck is happening in the world today..

Please accept all members come from varied cultural backgrounds,  Smashomash is utilised by members globally who may also have valid information to share... if you do , please do so ...  we Aussies are apprently failing miserably at controlling covid.. in a MASSIVE country lotsa open spaces..eeve not deen it close to home yet. a disease that apparently loves enclosed spaces and people being locked indoors... hotel quarantine is a joke... mass vax is questionable ... the list goes on...

Anyone got any input? 


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Kimberly Eden'll Doo Nichols Queen Bee - Southern Observers Anon Qld Australia

I second the notion.  This forum is for free people (you're all free in my opinion regardless of what insane and ineffective governments and corporations would prefer) to say what they want. 


We saw the writing on the censorship wall and began this webring in 2019. 


Facebook had been censoring us as it self destructs, so we decided to go it independently.  


My understanding is that Australia's 'response' to SARS-CoV2 is similarly pathetic and moronic to England's 'response'.  Here in the U.S. it's largely governors (almost entirely Democrat governors) RUINING OUR COUNTRY and the economy.  What's your experience?  


2020 was the Year of Clarity.  This is the Year of ACCOUNTABILITY.  Who needs ACCOUNTABILITY and what for?  It's August already and there's hardly ANY accountability for last year's failures, imo.


Warm regards,

Dan, a.k.a. smAshomAsh

P.S. I've uploaded an image of Pennsylvania's top covidiots.  Rachel Levine has been promoted to NATIONAL ASSISTANT HEALTH SECRETARY after causing thousands of nursing home deaths and the DESTRUCTION of Pennsylvania's economy.  'GOVERNOR' Tom Wolf needs to resign and leave Pennsylvania FOREVER.





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Regards, Dan, a. k. a. smAshomAsh

Youtube cancelled Skynews...1.87 million subscribers globally are all starting to receive this update to why a chunk of news has recently been missing..

MANY .. especially Boomers.. fearful to see the Covidiocy in silencing freedom of speech, shockingly reinforce you can access all you need to know by visiting the government websites. 

This is saddening.. so many roll up their sleeves to get a shot, i wouldnt be surprised if they start to choose to tattoo a ' vaxed identity marker ' sold to each other as solidarity. Instead of hearing it is stupidity personified, I've loved ones who are convinced that having an alternate opinion is KILLING  others.

This is a rediculous point of view.. feels like im dodging Lemmings keen to take me over a cliff with them...



smAsh and robert have reacted to this post.
Kimberly Eden'll Doo Nichols Queen Bee - Southern Observers Anon Qld Australia

I'm not certain how to get a rising from the uninformed peoples of the breach of our freedom of speech. These are your birth rights. Not because  God stated " this will be "no your father brother mother sister grandfather have possibly given their lives so you can have a right to freedom of speech. It is the first of 27 amendments. Why first? You figure it out. Perhaps that its importance, is paramount. A strategy will be formed to take our country to new heights. This is my introduction.

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Robert LaFollette
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